Those Held in Admiration and Envy Shed Light on Our Inner Desires

By examining those individuals we admire and envy we can get valuable data on ourselves - those we admire have a skill or disposition we want to replicate, those envied achieving something to our distaste. In observing our feelings towards these personalities an avenue opens to learn more about our driest thirsts. Reading time: 6 mins

Does Desire for Ease Come at a Subsequent Cost?

It cannot be said that seeking comfort is innately wrong as animals too pursue the pleasure of coziness, however, it is the excess of it engendering a generation who are weaker, softer, fatter, angrier and more anxious than those previous. Reading time: 7 mins

Our Degree of Care Extends Only as Far as We Can Relate

Acknowledging the enormous spectrum of emotion faced during existence connects us to our fellow sapiens. Joviality to sorrow, excitement to boredom, relaxation to arousal, these sensations signify we are living and unite us with others through shared experience. Reading time: 7 mins

What if Paganism was Still Prominent?

In Pagan societies mysticism was imbedded in the understanding of life’s operations, like a lightning bolt from a contemptuous Zeus or a calm sea indicating Poseidon's sacrificial contentment, engendering devout reverence to nature as an extension of the gods. The adherence to nature as a deity is a far cry from our current civilizational creed of use and abuse, continuing to double down on the lubeless degradation of a bleeding planet. Reading time: 10 mins